The Videos tab of this website has a number of videos that offer extra information. Some of these videos have been used in full or in part in various TEL modules. These videos are from the earlier "Dying to Talk" research project. More information on that project is given on the Videos tab. Each video is accompanied by a brief description to help you identify what the video is about. The animations at the very bottom of the Videos tab page may be of special interest because they can be used to explain sensitive issues, such as cremation, to people with intellectual disability.
There are two different ways to play each video:
- Click on the play button in the video then make the video full screen, or
- Click on the linked video description provided below (opens in a new window)
Choose whichever method works best for you.

The resources recommended on the ‘For more information’ slide of each module are also available on the Resources tab of this website. Resources are presented with a brief description of each resource and are arranged according to the module they appeared in.