Clinical / medicines

It is within a nurse practitioner’s ability to prescribe medicines and refer to other health professionals within their individual areas of competence. [1]

NPs are eligible to apply for access to the Australian Government Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS). NPs are also eligible to apply for access to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).

These arrangements enable patients of NPs who are authorised for MBS and/or PBS, to access certain MBS rebates and PBS prescriptions respectively.

Important notes [2]

Endorsement as a NP does not give automatic access to the MBS and PBS. The discretion to authorise access to the MBS and PBS remains with Medicare Australia and is in addition to endorsement by the NMBA to practise as a NP.

Useful resources:

  1. Australian College of Nurse Practitioners (ACNP). ACPN Position Statement: Nurse Practitioner scope of practice (150kb pdf). North Melbourne (VIC): ACPN; 2019.
  2. Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). Safety and quality guidelines for nurse practitioners [Internet]. 2021 [updated 2021 Mar 30; cited 2022 Aug 15].

Aligns with Nurse Practitioner standards for practice including:

Statement 2.3:

NPs consider quality use of medicines and therapeutic interventions using their comprehensive knowledge when planning care.

Link to Standards

    Page created 21 May 2024