Review collection - Models of service delivery 

232 reviews


Bartley N, Rodriguez Grieve L, Cooper C, Kirsten L, Wilson C, Sajish B, et al. A systematic review of international bereavement models of care and implementation barriers and facilitators. Omega (Westport). 2025:302228251315502.

Bressler T, Song J, Kamalumpundi V, Chae S, Song H, Tark A. Leveraging artificial intelligence/machine learning models to identify potential palliative care beneficiaries: A systematic review. J Gerontol Nurs. 2025;51(1):7-14.

Mós JR, Reis-Pina P. Early integration of palliative care in non-oncological patients: A systematic review. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2025.


Alizadeh Z, Rohani C, Rassouli M, Ilkhani M, Hazrati M. Bridging the gap and developing a home-based palliative care model for cancer patients. Asia Pac J Oncol Nurs. 2024:100583.

de Sola-Smith K, Gilissen J, van der Steen JT, Mayan I, Van den Block L, Ritchie CS, et al. Palliative care in early dementia: A scoping review. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2024.

Dharmagunawardene D, Kularatna S, Halahakone U, Purtell L, Bonner A, Healy HG, et al. Health system related kidney supportive care interventions for adults with chronic kidney disease: A systematic review. J Ren Care. 2025;51(1):e12517.

Feliciano DR, Reis-Pina P. Enhancing end-of-life care with home-based palliative interventions: A systematic review. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2024.

Gilbert E, Viggiani ND, de Sousa Martins J, Palit T, Sears J, Knights D, et al. How do people in prison access palliative care? A scoping review of models of palliative care delivery for people in prison in high-income countries. Palliative Medicine. 2024:02692163241242647.

Godrie F, van Zuilekom I, Onwuteaka-Philipsen B, van Os-Medendorp H, Schoonmade L, Metselaar S. Specialized expertise among healthcare professionals in palliative care - a scoping review. BMC Palliat Care. 2024;23(1):170.

Johansson T, Chambers RL, Curtis T, Pask S, Greenley S, Brittain M, et al. The effectiveness of out-of-hours palliative care telephone advice lines: A rapid systematic review. Palliat Med. 2024 Jun;38(6):625-643. 

Johnson MJ, Rutterford L, Sunny A, Pask S, de Wolf-Linder S, Murtagh FEM, et al. Benefits of specialist palliative care by identifying active ingredients of service composition, structure, and delivery model: A systematic review with meta-analysis and meta-regression. PLoS Med. 2024;21(8):e1004436.

Layne D, Logan A, Lindell K. Palliative care coordination interventions for caregivers of community-dwelling individuals with dementia: An integrative review. Nurs Rep [Internet]. 2024; 14(3):[1750-68 pp.].

Marshall C, Virdun C, Phillips JL. Patient and family perspectives on rural palliative care models: A systematic review and meta-synthesis. Palliat Med. 2024. 2024;16:1155-74.

Röwer HAA, Herbst FA, Schwabe S. Regional hospice and palliative care networks worldwide: Scoping review. BMJ Support Palliat Care. 2024.

Sacca L, Lobaina D, Burgoa S, Rao M, Jhumkhawala V, Zapata SM, et al. Using patient-centered dissemination and implementation frameworks and strategies in palliative care settings for improved quality of life and health outcomes: A scoping review. Am J Hosp Palliat Med. 2024;41(10):1195-237. 

Sani DK, Yunusa U, Kombo SA, Ibrahim A, Sani HM, Umar SS, et al. Home-based care models for patients with terminal illnesses in low and middle-income countries: A systematic review of randomized and quasi-experimental studies. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2024;127:105580.

Ting J, Songer K, Bailey V, Rotman C, Lipsitz S, Rosenberg AR, et al. Impact of subspecialty pediatric palliative care on children with heart disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Pediatr Cardiol. 2024.

Vélez-López A, Carmona-Torres JM, López-González Á, Laredo-Aguilera JA, Callado-Pérez D, Rabanales-Sotos J. Community-based interventions in people with palliative care needs: An integrative review of studies from 2017 to 2022. Healthcare [Internet]. 2024; 12(15).


Arian M, Hajiabadi F, Amini Z, Oghazian MB, Valinejadi A, Sahebkar A. Introduction of various models of palliative oncology care: A systematic review. Rev Recent Clin Trials. 2023 Dec 28.

Bassah N, Vaughn L, Santos Salas A. Nurse-led adult palliative care models in low- and middle-income countries: A scoping review. J Adv Nurs. 2023 Nov;79(11):4112-4126.

Blume ED, Kirsch R, Cousino MK, Walter JK, Steiner JM, Miller TA, Machado D, Peyton C, Bacha E, Morell E; American Heart Association Pediatric Heart Failure and Transplantation Committee of the Council on Lifelong Congenital Heart Disease and Heart Health in the Young. Palliative Care Across the Life Span for Children With Heart Disease: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2023 Jan 12:e000114. doi: 10.1161/HCQ.0000000000000114. Epub ahead of print.

Dewar S, Mensinga J, Redman-MacLaren M, Johns L. A qualitative interpretive meta-synthesis of social workers’ experience in end-of-life care. J Soc Work (Lond). 2023 Jan;0(0). doi: 10.1177/14680173221144223

Firth AM, Lin CP, Yi DH, Goodrich J, Gaczkowska I, Waite F, Harding R, Murtagh FE, Evans CJ. How is community based 'out-of-hours' care provided to patients with advanced illness near the end of life: A systematic review of care provision. Palliat Med. 2023 Mar;37(3):310-328. doi: 10.1177/02692163231154760.

Gage CH, Stander C, Gwyther L, Stassen W. Emergency medical services and palliative care: a scoping review. BMJ Open. 2023 Mar 16;13(3):e071116. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-071116.

Grossman CH, Hearn R, McPhee M, Fisher F, Wools C, Mathers S. Neuropalliative care for progressive neurological diseases: A scoping review on models of care and priorities for future research. Palliat Med. 2023 Jul;37(7):959-974. doi: 10.1177/02692163231175696. Epub 2023 May 30.

Guzzon A, Rebba V, Paccagnella O, Rigon M, Boniolo G. The value of supportive care: A systematic review of cost-effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions for dementia. PLoS One. 2023 May 12;18(5):e0285305. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0285305.

Hughes MC, Vernon E, Hainstock A. The effectiveness of community-based palliative care programme components: a systematic review. Age Ageing. 2023 Sep 1;52(9):afad175.

Iupati S, Stanley J, Egan R, MacLeod R, Davies C, Spence H, Iupati D, Middlemiss T, Gwynne-Robson I. Systematic Review of Models of Effective Community Specialist Palliative Care Services for Evidence of Improved Patient-Related Outcomes, Equity, Integration, and Health Service Utilization. J Palliat Med. 2023 May 25. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2022.0461. Epub ahead of print.

Kirtania M, Katta A. Essential elements of home-based palliative care model: A rapid review. Indian J Palliat Care. 2023 Oct-Dec;29(4):359-367.

Laabar TD, Saunders C, Auret K, Johnson CE. Socially, Culturally and Spiritually Sensitive Public Health Palliative Care Models in the Lower-income Countries: An Integrative Literature Review. Indian J Palliat Care. 2023 Jan-Mar;29(1):15-27. doi: 10.25259/IJPC_92_2022. Epub 2022 Sep 21.

Lewis S, Triandafilidis Z, Curryer C, Jeong SY, Goodwin N, Carr S, Davis D. Models of care for people with dementia approaching end of life: A rapid review. Palliat Med. 2023 May 7:2692163231171181. doi: 10.1177/02692163231171181. Epub ahead of print.

Marshall C, Virdun C, Phillips JL. Evidence-based models of rural palliative care: A systematic review. Palliat Med. 2023 Sep;37(8):1129-1143.

Ohana S, Shaulov A, Dekeyser Ganz F. Acute palliative care models: Scoping review. BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care. 2023 Aug 17:spcare-2022-004124.

Rizvi F, Wilding HE, Rankin NM, Le Gautier R, Gurren L, Sundararajan V, Bellingham K, Chua J, Crawford GB, Nowak AK, Le B, Mitchell G, McLachlan SA, Sousa TV, Hudson R, IJzerman M, Collins A, Philip J. An evidence-base for the implementation of hospital-based palliative care programs in routine cancer practice: A systematic review. Palliat Med. 2023 Jul 8:2692163231186177. doi: 10.1177/02692163231186177. Epub ahead of print.

Weston EJ, Jefferies D, Stulz V, Glew P, McDermid F. A global exploration of palliative community care literature: An integrative review. J Clin Nurs. 2023 Apr 14. doi: 10.1111/jocn.16707. Epub ahead of print.

Yan Z, Traynor V, Alananzeh I, Drury P, Chang HR. The impact of montessori-based programmes on individuals with dementia living in residential aged care: A systematic review. Dementia (London). 2023 Aug;22(6):1259-1291. doi: 10.1177/14713012231173817. Epub 2023 May 13.


Butler C, Wilson P, Abrahamson V, Mikelyte R, Gage H, Williams P, Brigden C, Swash B, Rees-Roberts M, Silsbury G, Goodwin M, Greene K, Wee B, Barclay S. Optimum models of hospice at home services for end-of-life care in England: a realist-informed mixed-methods evaluation. Southampton (UK): National Institute for Health and Care Research; 2022 Aug.

Bryk A, Roberts G, Hudson P, Harms L, Gerdtz M. The concept of holism applied in recent palliative care practice: A scoping review. Palliat Med. 2022 Nov 4:2692163221129999. doi: 10.1177/02692163221129999. Epub ahead of print.

Carmont H, McIlfatrick S. Using virtual reality in palliative care: a systematic integrative review. Int J Palliat Nurs. 2022 Mar 2;28(3):132-144. doi: 10.12968/ijpn.2022.28.3.132.

Chyr LC, DeGroot L, Waldfogel JM, Hannum SM, Sloan DH, Cotter VT, Zhang A, Heughan JA, Wilson RF, Robinson KA, Dy SM. Implementation and Effectiveness of Integrating Palliative Care Into Ambulatory Care of Noncancer Serious Chronic Illness: Mixed Methods Review and Meta-Analysis. Ann Fam Med. 2022 Jan-Feb;20(1):77-83. doi: 10.1370/afm.2754.

Davies H, Waduud MA, Laloo R, Wyld L, Wallace T, de Siqueira JR, Bennett MI, Scott DJA. Palliative Care Interventions for Peripheral Artery Disease: A Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis. J Palliat Med. 2022 Feb;25(2):319-326. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2021.0393. Epub 2021 Dec 2.

D'Eer L, Quintiens B, Van den Block L, Dury S, Deliens L, Chambaere K, Smets T, Cohen J. Civic engagement in serious illness, death, and loss: A systematic mixed-methods review. Palliat Med. 2022 Mar 14:2692163221077850. doi: 10.1177/02692163221077850. Epub ahead of print.

Hannigan B, Edwards D, Anstey S, Coffey M, Gill P, Mann M, Meudell A. End of life care for people with severe mental illness: the MENLOC evidence synthesis. Health Soc Care Deliv Res. 2022;10(4)

Heufel M, Kourouche S, Angela Lo WS, Thomas B, Hood L, Curtis K. End of life care pathways in the Emergency Department and their effects on patient and health service outcomes: An integrative review. Int Emerg Nurs. 2022 Mar;61:101153. doi: 10.1016/j.ienj.2022.101153. Epub 2022 Feb 28.

Kang JA, Barcelona V. A comparison of conceptual frameworks to examine health inequities in End-of-Life care. J Adv Nurs. 2022 Jul 31. doi: 10.1111/jan.15393. Epub ahead of print.

Kermavnar T, Guttridge C, Mulcahy NJ, Duffy E, Twomey F, O'Sullivan L. 3D printing in palliative medicine: systematic review. BMJ Support Palliat Care. 2022 Sep 6:bmjspcare-2021-003196. doi: 10.1136/bmjspcare-2021-003196

Kesonen P, Salminen L, Kero J, Aappola J, Haavisto E. An Integrative Review of Interprofessional Teamwork and Required Competence in Specialized Palliative Care. Omega (Westport). 2022 Apr 19:302228221085468. doi: 10.1177/00302228221085468.

Lassell RKF, Moreines LT, Luebke MR, Bhatti KS, Pain KJ, Brody AA, Luth EA. Hospice interventions for persons living with dementia, family members and clinicians: A systematic review. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2022 Apr 20. doi: 10.1111/jgs.17802. Epub ahead of print.

Liu VL, Lin SC, Harding R. Conceptual Models and Mechanisms of Action that Underpin End-of-Life Care Interventions to Improve Spiritual Well-Being. J Palliat Med. 2022 Jan;25(1):106-118. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2021.0223. Epub 2021 Aug 25.

Low C, Namasivayam P, Barnett T. Co-designing Community Out-of-hours Palliative Care Services: A systematic literature search and review. Palliat Med. 2022 Nov 9:2692163221132089. doi: 10.1177/02692163221132089. Epub ahead of print.

Maniago JD, Ngaya-An FV. Implementation Science of Paediatric Palliative Care in Lower-Middle-Income Countries in Southeast Asia: An Integrative Review. Indian J Palliat Care. 2022 Jan-Mar;28(1):80-87. doi: 10.25259/IJPC_410_20. Epub 2022 Mar 3.

McGill K, Bhullar N, Pearce T, Batterham PJ, Wayland S, Maple M. Effectiveness of Brief Contact Interventions for Bereavement: A Systematic Review. Omega (Westport). 2022 Jun 25:302228221108289. doi: 10.1177/00302228221108289. Epub ahead of print.

Mo J, Vickerstaff V, Minton O, Tavabie S, Taubert M, Stone P, White N. How effective is virtual reality technology in palliative care? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Palliat Med. 2022 May 30:2692163221099584. doi: 10.1177/02692163221099584. Epub ahead of print.

Murali KP, Kang JA, Bronstein D, McDonald MV, King L, Chastain AM, Shang J. Measuring Palliative Care-Related Knowledge, Attitudes, and Confidence in Home Health Care Clinicians, Patients, and Caregivers: A Systematic Review. J Palliat Med. 2022 Jun 14. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2021.0580. Epub ahead of print.

Öhlén J, Böling S, HamdanAlshehri H, Brännström M, Henoch I, Hessman E, Nilsson S, Ozanne A. Strategies for knowledge translation of a palliative approach outside specialized palliative care services: a scoping review. BMC Palliat Care. 2022 Mar 22;21(1):39. doi: 10.1186/s12904-022-00929-0.

Parackal A, Ramamoorthi K, Tarride JE. Economic Evaluation of Palliative Care Interventions: A Review of the Evolution of Methods From 2011 to 2019. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2022 Jan;39(1):108-122. doi: 10.1177/10499091211011138. Epub 2021 May 24.

Rooney EJ, Johnson A, Jeong SY, Wilson RL. Use of traditional therapies in palliative care for Australian First Nations peoples: An integrative review. J Clin Nurs. 2022 Jun;31(11-12):1465-1476. doi: 10.1111/jocn.16070. Epub 2021 Oct 6.

Shlobin NA, Sheldon M, Bernstein M. Ethics of Transitioning from Curative Care to Palliative Care: Potential Conflicts of Interest Using the Example of Neurosurgery. World Neurosurg. 2022 Oct 7;168:139-145. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2022.10.003. Epub ahead of print.

Stefan MS, Knee AB, Ready A, Rastegar V, Burgher Seaman J, Gunn B, Shaw E, Bannuru RR. Efficacy of models of palliative care delivered beyond the traditional physician-led, subspecialty consultation service model: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Support Palliat Care. 2022 Apr 19:bmjspcare-2021-003507. doi: 10.1136/bmjspcare-2021-003507. Epub ahead of print.

van Gaans D, Erny-Albrecht K, Tieman J. Palliative Care Within the Primary Health Care Setting in Australia: A Scoping Review. Public Health Rev. 2022 Sep 6;43:1604856. doi: 10.3389/phrs.2022.1604856.

Vernon E, Hughes MC, Kowalczyk M. Measuring effectiveness in community-based palliative care programs: A systematic review. Soc Sci Med. 2022 Mar;296:114731. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2022.114731. Epub 2022 Jan 19.


Bayly J, Bone AE, Ellis-Smith C, Tunnard I, Yaqub S, Yi D, Nkhoma KB, Cook A, Combes S, Bajwah S, Harding R, Nicholson C, Normand C, Ahuja S, Turrillas P, Kizawa Y, Morita T, Nishiyama N, Tsuneto S, Ong P, Higginson IJ, Evans CJ, Maddocks M. Common elements of service delivery models that optimise quality of life and health service use among older people with advanced progressive conditions: a tertiary systematic review. BMJ Open. 2021 Dec 1;11(12):e048417. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-048417.

Camacho-Montaño LR, Pérez-Corrales J, Pérez-de-Heredia-Torres M, Martin-Pérez AM, Güeita-Rodríguez J, Velarde-García JF, Palacios-Ceña D. Spiritual Care in Advanced Dementia from the Perspective of Health Providers: A Qualitative Systematic Review. Occup Ther Int. 2021 Nov 24;2020:9998480. doi: 10.1155/2021/9998480.

Chung H, Harding R, Guo P. Palliative Care in the Greater China Region: A Systematic Review of Needs, Models, and Outcomes. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2021 Mar;61(3):585-612. doi: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2020.08.040. Epub 2020 Sep 8.

da Silva TC, Nietsche EA, Cogo SB. Palliative care in Primary Health Care: an integrative literature review. Rev Bras Enferm. 2021 Sep 29;75(1):e20201335. English, Portuguese. doi: 10.1590/0034-7167-2020-1335.

Disalvo D, Agar M, Caplan G, Murtagh FE, Luckett T, Heneka N, Hickman L, Kinchin I, Trethewie S, Sheehan C, Urban K, Cohen J, Harlum J, Long B, Parker T, Schaefer I, Phillips J. Virtual models of care for people with palliative care needs living in their own home: A systematic meta-review and narrative synthesis. Palliat Med. 2021 Jun 25:2692163211024451. doi: 10.1177/02692163211024451. Epub ahead of print.

Gordon B, Mason B, Smith SLH. Leveraging Telehealth for Delivery of Palliative Care to Remote Communities: A Rapid Review. J Palliat Care. 2021 Mar 18:8258597211001184. doi: 10.1177/08258597211001184. Epub ahead of print.

Hall A, Boulton E, Kunonga P, Spiers G, Beyer F, Bower P, Craig D, Todd C, Hanratty B. Identifying older adults with frailty approaching end-of-life: A systematic review. Palliat Med. 2021 Sep 14:2692163211045917. doi: 10.1177/02692163211045917. Epub ahead of print.

Janberidze E, Poláková K, Bankovská Motlová L, Loučka M. Impact of palliative care consult service in inpatient hospital setting: a systematic literature review. BMJ Support Palliat Care. 2020 Sep 21:bmjspcare-2020-002291. doi: 10.1136/bmjspcare-2020-002291. Epub ahead of print.

Juhrmann ML, Vandersman P, Butow PN, Clayton JM. Paramedics delivering palliative and end-of-life care in community-based settings: A systematic integrative review with thematic synthesis. Palliat Med. 2021 Dec 1:2692163211059342. doi: 10.1177/02692163211059342. Epub ahead of print.

Kim S, Lee K, Kim C, Choi J, Kim S. How Do We Start Palliative Care for Patients With End-Stage Liver Disease? Gastroenterol Nurs. 2021 Jul 13. doi: 10.1097/SGA.0000000000000611. Epub ahead of print.

Liu VL, Lin SC, Harding R. Conceptual Models and Mechanisms of Action that Underpin End-of-Life Care Interventions to Improve Spiritual Well-Being. J Palliat Med. 2021 Aug 25. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2021.0223. Epub ahead of print.

Mayland CR, Powell RA, Clarke GC, Ebenso B, Allsop MJ. Bereavement care for ethnic minority communities: A systematic review of access to, models of, outcomes from, and satisfaction with, service provision. PLoS One. 2021 Jun 30;16(6):e0252188. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0252188.

Mole SE, Schulz A, Badoe E, Berkovic SF, de Los Reyes EC, Dulz S, Gissen P, Guelbert N, Lourenco CM, Mason HL, Mink JW, Murphy N, Nickel M, Olaya JE, Scarpa M, Scheffer IE, Simonati A, Specchio N, Von Löbbecke I, Wang RY, Williams RE. Guidelines on the diagnosis, clinical assessments, treatment and management for CLN2 disease patients. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2021 Apr 21;16(1):185. doi: 10.1186/s13023-021-01813-5.

Papavasiliou E, Hoare S, Bowers B, Kelly MP, Barclay S. Out-of-hours services and end-of-life hospital admissions: a complex intervention systematic review and narrative synthesis. Br J Gen Pract. 2021 Jun 25:BJGP.2021.0194. doi: 10.3399/BJGP.2021.0194. Epub ahead of print.

Rumbold B, Aoun SM. Palliative and End-of-Life Care Service Models: To What Extent Are Consumer Perspectives Considered? Healthcare (Basel). 2021 Sep 28;9(10):1286. doi: 10.3390/healthcare9101286.

Sawyer JM, Higgs P, Porter JDH, Sampson EL. New public health approaches to palliative care, a brave new horizon or an impractical ideal? An Integrative literature review with thematic synthesis. Palliat Care Soc Pract. 2021 Oct 6;15:26323524211032984. doi: 10.1177/26323524211032984.

Shepperd S, Gonçalves-Bradley DC, Straus SE, Wee B. Hospital at home: home-based end-of-life care. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2021 Mar 16;3:CD009231. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009231.pub3. [Update of 2016 article]

Terjung T, Stiel S, Schneider N, Herbst FA. Status, demand and practice models of palliative day-care clinics and day hospices: a scoping review. BMJ Support Palliat Care. 2021 Jul 26:bmjspcare-2021-003171. doi: 10.1136/bmjspcare-2021-003171. Epub ahead of print.

van Vuuren J, Thomas B, Agarwal G, MacDermott S, Kinsman L, O'Meara P, Spelten E. Reshaping healthcare delivery for elderly patients: the role of community paramedicine; a systematic review. BMC Health Serv Res. 2021 Jan 6;21(1):29. doi: 10.1186/s12913-020-06037-0.

Xiao J, Brenneis C, Ibrahim N, Bryan A, Fassbender K. Definitions of Palliative Care Terms: A Consensus-Oriented Decision-Making Process. J Palliat Med. 2021 Sep;24(9):1342-1350. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2020.0679. Epub 2021 Feb 18.


Aregay A, O'Connor M, Stow J, Ayers N, Lee S. Strategies used to establish palliative care in rural low- and middle-income countries: an integrative review. Health Policy Plan. 2020 Jun 24:czaa051. doi: 10.1093/heapol/czaa051. Epub ahead of print.

Arisanti N, F Hadisoemarto P, Pudji Setiawati Sasongko E, Pandia V, Hilmanto D. The model and elements of a palliative care plan for patients with terminal illness: A systematic review (1.02MB pdf). Asia Pac Fam Med. 2020 Jan 27;18(1). doi:

Bajwah S, Oluyase AO, Yi D, Gao W, Evans CJ, Grande G, Todd C, Costantini M, Murtagh FE, Higginson IJ. The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of hospital-based specialist palliative care for adults with advanced illness and their caregivers. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2020 Sep 30;9:CD012780. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD012780.pub2.

Court L, Olivier J. Approaches to integrating palliative care into African health systems: a qualitative systematic review. Health Policy Plan. 2020 Jun 8:czaa026. doi: 10.1093/heapol/czaa026. Epub ahead of print.

Cross LA. An Integrative Review of Community Theories Applied to Palliative Care Nursing. J Hosp Palliat Nurs. 2020 Jul 28. doi: 10.1097/NJH.0000000000000675. Epub ahead of print.

Fee A, Muldrew D, Slater P, Payne S, McIlfatrick S, McConnell T, Finlay DA, Hasson F. The roles, responsibilities and practices of healthcare assistants in out-of-hours community palliative care: A systematic scoping review. Palliat Med. 2020 Jun 15:269216320929559. doi: 10.1177/0269216320929559. Epub ahead of print.

Frasca M, Galvin A, Raherison C, Soubeyran P, Burucoa B, Bellera C, Mathoulin-Pelissier S. Palliative versus hospice care in patients with cancer: a systematic review. BMJ Support Palliat Care. 2020 Jul 17:bmjspcare-2020-002195. doi: 10.1136/bmjspcare-2020-002195. Epub ahead of print.

Hamdan Alshehri H, Olausson S, Öhlén J, Wolf A. Factors influencing the integration of a palliative approach in intensive care units: a systematic mixed-methods review. BMC Palliat Care. 2020 Jul 22;19(1):113. doi: 10.1186/s12904-020-00616-y.

He M, OʼConnor SJ, Qu H, Menachemi N, Tucker R, Shewchuk RM. Systematic review of the hospice performance literature. Health Care Manage Rev. 2020 Oct/Dec;45(4):E23-E34. doi: 10.1097/HMR.0000000000000258.

Heidari H, Mardani-Hamooleh M, Amiri M. Perceived factors to providing palliative care for patients with cancer - a qualitative systematic review. Oncol Rev. 2020 May 19;14(1):463. doi: 10.4081/oncol.2020.463.

Just DT, O'Rourke HM, Berta WB, Variath C, Cranley LA. Expanding the Concept of End-of-life Care in Long-term Care: A Scoping Review Exploring the Role of Healthcare Assistants. Int J Older People Nurs. 2020 Oct 29:e12353. doi: 10.1111/opn.12353. Epub ahead of print.

Kavalieratos D, Georgiopoulos AM, Dhingra L, Basile MJ, Rabinowitz E, Hempstead SE, Faro A, Dellon EP; Committee on Palliative Care in Cystic Fibrosis. Models of Palliative Care Delivery for Individuals with Cystic Fibrosis: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Evidence-Informed Consensus Guidelines. J Palliat Med. 2020 Sep 16. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2020.0311. Epub ahead of print.

Kochovska S, Ferreira DH, Luckett T, Phillips JL, Currow DC. Earlier multidisciplinary palliative care intervention for people with lung cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Transl Lung Cancer Res. 2020 Aug;9(4):1699-1709. doi: 10.21037/tlcr.2019.12.18.

Librada-Flores S, Nabal-Vicuña M, Forero-Vega D, Muñoz-Mayorga I, Guerra-Martín MD. Implementation Models of Compassionate Communities and Compassionate Cities at the End of Life: A Systematic Review. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Aug 28;17(17):6271. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17176271.

Mathew C, Hsu AT, Prentice M, Lawlor P, Kyeremanteng K, Tanuseputro P, Welch V. Economic evaluations of palliative care models: A systematic review. Palliat Med. 2020 Jan;34(1):69-82. doi: 10.1177/0269216319875906. Epub 2019 Dec 19.

Mills SEE, Geneen LJ, Buchanan D, Guthrie B, Smith BH. Factors associated with unscheduled care use by cancer decedents: a systematic review with narrative synthesis. BMJ Support Palliat Care. 2020 Oct 13:bmjspcare-2020-002410. doi: 10.1136/bmjspcare-2020-002410. Epub ahead of print.

Mitchell G, Aubin M, Senior H, Johnson C, Fallon-Ferguson J, Williams B, Monterosso L, Rhee JJ, McVey P, Grant M, Nwachukwu H, Yates P. General practice nurses and physicians and end of life: a systematic review of models of care. BMJ Support Palliat Care. 2020 Jul 27:bmjspcare-2019-002114. doi: 10.1136/bmjspcare-2019-002114. Epub ahead of print.

Rajan R, Brennan L, Bloem BR, Dahodwala N, Gardner J, Goldman JG, Grimes DA, Iansek R, Kovács N, McGinley J, Parashos SA, Piemonte MEP, Eggers C. Integrated Care in Parkinson's Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Mov Disord. 2020 Jun 29. doi: 10.1002/mds.28097. Epub ahead of print.

Wilson JG, English DP, Owyang CG, Chimelski EA, Grudzen CR, Wong HN, Aslakson RA. End-of-Life Care, Palliative Care Consultation, and Palliative Care Referral in the Emergency Department: A Systematic Review. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2020 Feb;59(2):372-383.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2019.09.020. Epub 2019 Oct 3.


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Last updated 20 February 2025