Review collection - Older people

282 reviews


Basile I, Consolo L, Colombo S, Rusconi D, Rampichini F, Lusignani M. Technology to support older adults in home palliative care: A scoping review. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2024 Jun;41(6):673-690.

Bhattacharyya DS, Hossain MH, Dutta GK, Snigdha MF, Nowrin I, Saif-Ur-Rahman KM. Service coverage and health workforce allocation strategies for geriatric and palliative care in low and middle-income countries: A systematic review. Health Sci Rev. 2024;11:100166.

Biesbrouck T, Jennes DA, Van Den Noortgate N, De Roo ML. Pharmacological treatment of pain, dyspnea, death rattle, fever, nausea, and vomiting in the last days of life in older people: A systematic review. Palliat Med. 2024:2692163241286648.

Bigger SE, Foreman RA, Keinath C, Towsley GL. Transitions between skilled home health and hospice for persons living with dementia: a systematic review of literature. Ann Palliat Med. 2024 Mar 12:apm-23-524.

Chen L, Sleeman K, Bradshaw A, Sakharang W, Mo Y, Ellis-Smith C. The use of person-centered outcome measures to support integrated palliative care for older people: A systematic review. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2024:105036.

Cotton A, Sayers J, Green H, Magann L, Paulik O, Sikhosana N, et al. Older persons' perceptions and experiences of community palliative care: A systematic review of qualitative evidence. JBI Evidence Synthesis. 2024 Feb 1;22(2):234-272.

Expósito‐Jiménez A, Alcaide‐Leyva JM, Jiménez‐Mérida MdR, Martínez‐Angulo P. Health communication and shared decision‐making between nurses and older adults in community setting: An integrative review. Journ Clin Nurs. (John Wiley & Sons, Inc). 2024;33(8):2922-35.

Karacsony S, Martyn JA, Rosenberg J, Andrews S. A qualitative evidence synthesis exploring the attitudes, beliefs and values of the long-term care workforce towards palliative care. Prog Palliat Care. 2024;32(5):334-48.

Kocot E, Ferrero A, Shrestha S, Dubas-Jakóbczyk K. End-of-life expenditure on health care for the older population: A scoping review. Health Econ Rev. 2024;14(1):17.

Liang T, Feng J, Feng XN, Yang T. Perceptions of older people in nursing facilities about advance care planning: A systematic review. Int J Older People Nurs. 2024;19(5):e12646.

Lida K, Ishimaru M, Tsujimura M, Wakasugi A. Community-dwelling older people's experiences of advance care planning with health care professionals: A qualitative systematic review. JBI Evid Synth. 2024.

Liu X, Chang Y-C, Hu W-Y. The effectiveness of palliative care interventions in long-term care facilities: A systematic review. J Pers Med [Internet]. 2024; 14(7).

Mayers T, Sakamoto A, Inokuchi R, Hanari K, Ring HZ, Tamiya N. Situation, education, innovation, and recommendation: A large-scale systematic review of advance care planning in the age of COVID-19. Healthcare (Basel). 2024 Mar 15;12(6):667. 

Miles A, Fields NL, Bennett M, Xu L, Magruder K, Stringfellow MK, et al. Robotic animal use among older adults enrolled in palliative or hospice care: A scoping review and framework for future research. Robot [Internet]. 2024; 13(6).

Ng HL, Wu XV, Yap SY, Yeo SNB, Dino MJ, Jiang Y. Exploring the experiences of older adults and their caregivers in home-based palliative care setting: A systematic review and meta-synthesis. Semin Oncol Nurs. 2024:151753.

Sharratt P, Zacharias A, Nwosu AC, Gadoud A. Hospital-initiated palliative care interventions for adults with frailty: Findings from a systematic review and narrative synthesis. Age Ageing. 2024;53(9).

Vlachopoulos N, Kontogiannis G, Papageorgiou DI, Symvoulakis E, Haidich AB, Smyrnakis E. Effectiveness and feasibility of home-based palliative care interventions for geriatric oncology patients: A systematic review using narrative synthesis. Am J Hosp Palliat Med. 2024. 

Wang H, Takiue K, Liu X, Koujiya E, Takeya Y, Yamakawa M. Appropriateness of nursing home to emergency department transitional care for older adults with dementia: A scoping review. J Gerontol Nurs. 2024;50(9):37-45. 

Zanjari N, Tagharrobi Z, Tagharrobi L. The role of companionship in palliative care in older adults: A scoping review. Med J Tabriz Uni Med Sciences. 2024.


Brouwers M, Broekharst DSE, de Boer B, Groen WG, Verbeek H. An overview of innovative living arrangements within long-term care and their characteristics: a scoping review. BMC Geriatr. 2023 Jul 18;23(1):442. doi: 10.1186/s12877-023-04158-9.

Coret M, Martimianakis MA. Conceptualizations of “good death” and their relationship to technology: a scoping review and discourse analysis. Health Sci Rep. 2023; 6:e1374. doi:10.1002/hsr2.1374

Craig S, Cao Y, McMahon J, Anderson T, Stark P, Brown Wilson C, et al. Exploring the holistic needs of people living with cancer in care homes: An integrative review. Healthcare (Basel). 2023;11(24):3166.

Hickman E, Seawoodharry M, Gillies C, Khunti K, Seidu S. Deprescribing in cardiometabolic conditions in older patients: a systematic review. Geroscience. 2023 Jul 5. doi: 10.1007/s11357-023-00852-z. Epub ahead of print.

Huang YY, Teng T, Giovane CD, Wang RZ, Suckling J, Shen XN, Chen SD, Huang SY, Kuo K, Cai WJ, Chen KL, Feng L, Zhang C, Liu CY, Li CB, Zhao QH, Dong Q, Zhou XY, Yu JT. Pharmacological treatment of neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia: a network meta-analysis. Age Ageing. 2023 Jun 1;52(6):afad091. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afad091.

Järviö T, Nosraty L, Aho AL. Older individuals' perceptions of a good death: A systematic literature review. Death Stud. 2023;47(4):476-489. doi: 10.1080/07481187.2022.2092787. Epub 2022 Jul 1.

Kang JA, Tark A, Estrada LV, Dhingra L, Stone PW. Timing of goals of care discussions in nursing homes: A systematic review. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2023.

Kawashima A, Evans CJ. Needs-based triggers for timely referral to palliative care for older adults severely affected by noncancer conditions: a systematic review and narrative synthesis. BMC Palliat Care. 2023 Mar 9;22(1):20. doi: 10.1186/s12904-023-01131-6.

Kodagoda Gamage MW, Todorovic M, Moyle W, Pu L. Cultural Influence on Nurses' Pain Observations Related to Dementia: An Integrative Review. Pain Manag Nurs. 2023 Mar 10:S1524-9042(23)00028-0. doi: 10.1016/j.pmn.2023.01.006. Epub ahead of print.

Kukkohovi S, Siira H, Arolaakso S, Miettunen J, Elo S. The effectiveness of digital gaming on the functioning and activity of older people living in long-term care facilities: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2023 Aug;35(8):1595-1608. doi: 10.1007/s40520-023-02459-y. Epub 2023 Jun 20.

McLarney M, Johnson T, Bajaj G, Lee D, Zheng J. Cancer Pain and Frailty: A Scoping Review of How Cancer Pain Is Evaluated and Treated in the Frail and Elderly. Rehabil Oncol. 2023 Apr;41(2):69-77. doi: 10.1097/01.REO.0000000000000338.

Mitchell RJ, Wijekulasuriya S, du Preez J, Lystad R, Chauhan A, Harrison R, Curtis K, Braithwaite J. Population-level quality indicators of end-of-life-care in an aged care setting: Rapid systematic review. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2023 Jul 17;116:105130. doi: 10.1016/j.archger.2023.105130. Epub ahead of print.

Möhler R, Calo S, Renom A, Renom H, Meyer G. Personally tailored activities for improving psychosocial outcomes for people with dementia in long-term care. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2023 Mar 13;3(3):CD009812. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009812.pub3.

Otto RB, Fields NL, Bennett M, Anderson KA. Positive aging and death or dying: A scoping review. Gerontologist. 2023 Oct 17;63(9):1497-1509.

Poillucci G, Ortenzi M, Pilia T, Murzi V, DI Saverio S, Segalini E, Locci E, Cois A, Pisanu A, Podda M. Updates on the multidisciplinary management of elderly patients with rectal cancer: a narrative review. Minerva Surg. 2023 Jun;78(3):267-282. doi: 10.23736/S2724-5691.23.09845-3. Epub 2023 Feb 1.

Rashid NLA, Leow Y, Klainin-Yobas P, Itoh S, Wu VX. The effectiveness of a therapeutic robot, 'Paro', on behavioural and psychological symptoms, medication use, total sleep time and sociability in older adults with dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Nurs Stud. 2023 May 19;145:104530. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2023.104530. Epub ahead of print.

Sandic Spaho R, Uhrenfeldt L, Fotis T, Kymre IG. Wearable devices in palliative care for people 65 years and older: A scoping review. Digit Health. 2023 Jul 2;9:20552076231181212. doi: 10.1177/20552076231181212.

Seica Cardoso C, Rita Matos J, Prazeres F, Gomes B. Non-pharmacological interventions in primary care to improve the quality of life of older patients with palliative care needs: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials. BMJ Open. 2023;13(12).

Shrestha S, Poudel A, Forough AS, Steadman KJ, Nissen LM. A systematic review on methods for developing and validating deprescribing tools for older adults with limited life expectancy. Int J Pharm Pract. 2023 Mar 13;31(1):3-14. doi: 10.1093/ijpp/riac094.

Tang JMS, Cher BXBB, Lim SF, Siah CJR. A meta-synthesis on the older adults' perspective of advance care planning. J Clin Nurs. 2023 Jul;32(13-14):4176-4194. doi: 10.1111/jocn.16629. Epub 2023 Jan 29.

Toulouse É, Carrier D, Villemure MP, Roy-Desruisseaux J, Rochefort CM. Accuracy of Observer-Rated Measurement Scales for Depression Assessment in Patients with Major Neurocognitive Disorders Residing in Long-Term Care Centers: A Systematic Review. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2023 Mar 15:1-12. doi: 10.1159/000529396. Epub ahead of print.

Vakkila E, Jehkonen M. Apraxia and dementia severity in Alzheimer's disease: a systematic review. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol. 2023 Feb;45(1):84-103. doi: 10.1080/13803395.2023.2199971. Epub 2023 Apr 11.

Valenzuela PL, Saco-Ledo G, Morales JS, Gallardo-Gómez D, Morales-Palomo F, López-Ortiz S, Rivas-Baeza B, Castillo-García A, Jiménez-Pavón D, Santos-Lozano A, Del Pozo Cruz B, Lucia A. Effects of physical exercise on physical function in older adults in residential care: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Lancet Healthy Longev. 2023 Jun;4(6):e247-e256. doi: 10.1016/S2666-7568(23)00057-0. Epub 2023 May 11.

van der Velde-van Buuringen M, Hendriks-van der Sar R, Verbeek H, Achterberg WP, Caljouw MAA. The effect of garden use on quality of life and behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia in people living with dementia in nursing homes: a systematic review. Front Psychiatry. 2023 Apr 12;14:1044271. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1044271.

Walton L, Courtright K, Demiris G, Gorman EF, Jackson A, Carpenter JG. Telehealth Palliative Care in Nursing Homes: A Scoping Review. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2023 Mar;24(3):356-367.e2. doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2023.01.004. Epub 2023 Feb 6.

Wang X, Huang XL, Wang WJ, Liao L. Advance care planning for frail elderly: are we missing a golden opportunity? A mixed-method systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open. 2023 May 29;13(5):e068130. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-068130.

Yeow Hung H, Azman AB, Singh PJ. Perspectives of healthcare professionals regarding dignity and end-of-life care for the elderly: A systematic literature review. Afr J Nurs Midwifery. 2023;25(1).


Kellehear A, Garrido M. Existential ageing and dying: A scoping review. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2022 Aug 31;104:104798. doi: 10.1016/j.archger.2022.104798. Epub ahead of print.

Langley J, Jelicic N, Hill TG, Kervin E, Pesut B, Duggleby W, et al. Intersectoral communication amongst healthcare providers regarding care plans: a scoping review. Palliat Care Soc Pract. 2022 Apr 21;16:26323524221092457. doi: 10.1177/26323524221092457.

Llop-Medina L, Fu Y, Garcés-Ferrer J, Doñate-Martínez A. Palliative Care in Older People with Multimorbidities: A Scoping Review on the Palliative Care Needs of Patients, Carers, and Health Professionals. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Mar 8;19(6):3195. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19063195.

Miele F, Neresini F, Boniolo G, Paccagnella O. Supportive care for older people with dementia: Socio-organisational implications. Ageing Soc. 2022;42(2):376-408. doi: 10.1017/S0144686X20000938.

Ng AYM, Takemura N, Xu X, Smith R, Kwok JY, Cheung DST, Lin CC. The effects of advance care planning intervention on nursing home residents: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Int J Nurs Stud. 2022 Aug;132:104276. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2022.104276. Epub 2022 Apr 30.

Paraizo-Horvath CMS, Fernandes DS, Russo TMDS, Souza AC, Silveira RCCP, Galvão CM, Mendes KDS. Identification of people for palliative care in primary health care: integrative review. Cien Saude Colet. 2022 Sep;27(9):3547-3557. Portuguese, English. doi: 10.1590/1413-81232022279.01152022. Epub 2022 May 29.

Saretta M, Doñate-Martínez A, Alhambra-Borrás T. Barriers and facilitators for an effective palliative care communication with older people: A systematic review. Patient Educ Couns. 2022 Apr 7:S0738-3991(22)00148-3. doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2022.04.003. Epub ahead of print.

Yun K, Jo M, Lee Y. Understanding Cultural Beliefs of a Good Death by Older People in South Korea: An Integrative Review of the Literature. J Hosp Palliat Nurs. 2022 Jul 26. doi: 10.1097/NJH.0000000000000899. Epub ahead of print.

Zhou Y, Wang A, Ellis-Smith C, Braybrook D, Harding R. Mechanisms and contextual influences on the implementation of advance care planning for older people in long-term care facilities: A realist review. Int J Nurs Stud. 2022 Apr 30;133:104277. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2022.104277. Epub ahead of print.


Almeida AR, Santana RF, Brandão MAG. Compromised end-of-life syndrome: Concept development from the condition of adults and older adults in palliative care. Int J Nurs Knowl. 2021 Sep 21. doi: 10.1111/2047-3095.12344. Epub ahead of print.

Bayly J, Bone AE, Ellis-Smith C, Tunnard I, Yaqub S, Yi D, Nkhoma KB, Cook A, Combes S, Bajwah S, Harding R, Nicholson C, Normand C, Ahuja S, Turrillas P, Kizawa Y, Morita T, Nishiyama N, Tsuneto S, Ong P, Higginson IJ, Evans CJ, Maddocks M. Common elements of service delivery models that optimise quality of life and health service use among older people with advanced progressive conditions: a tertiary systematic review. BMJ Open. 2021 Dec 1;11(12):e048417. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-048417.

Brokaar EJ, van den Bos F, Visser LE, Portielje JEA. Deprescribing in Older Adults With Cancer and Limited Life Expectancy: An Integrative Review. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2021 Mar 19:10499091211003078. doi: 10.1177/10499091211003078. Epub ahead of print.

Buck D, Tucker S, Roe B, Hughes J, Challis D. Hospital admissions and place of death of residents of care homes receiving specialist healthcare services: A systematic review without meta-analysis. J Adv Nurs. 2021 Sep 17. doi: 10.1111/jan.15043. Epub ahead of print.

Cardona M, Stehlik P, Fawzy P, Byambasuren O, Anderson J, Clark J, Sun S, Scott I. Effectiveness and sustainability of deprescribing for hospitalized older patients near end of life: a systematic review. Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2021 Jan;20(1):81-91. doi: 10.1080/14740338.2021.1853704. Epub 2020 Dec 21.

Carter C, Leanza F, Mohammed S, Upshur REG, Kontos P. A rapid scoping review of end-of-life conversations with frail older adults in Canada. Can Fam Physician. 2021 Nov;67(11):e298-e305. doi: 10.46747/cfp.6711e298.

Castelli Dransart DA, Lapierre S, Erlangsen A, Canetto SS, Heisel M, Draper B, Lindner R, Richard-Devantoy S, Cheung G, Scocco P, Gusmão R, De Leo D, Inoue K, De Techterman V, Fiske A, Hong JP, Landry M, Lepage AA, Marcoux I, Na PJ, Neufeld E, Ummel D, Winslov JH, Wong C, Wu J, Wyart M. A systematic review of older adults' request for or attitude toward euthanasia or assisted-suicide. Aging Ment Health. 2021 Mar;25(3):420-430. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2019.1697201. Epub 2019 Dec 10.

Desideri I, Becherini C, Belgioia L, Merlotti A, Ciccone LP, Franzese C, Loi M, De Felice F, Mazzola R, Caini S, Livi L, Bonomo P. Palliative radiotherapy in older adults with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: A systematic review. Oral Oncol. 2021 May 24;119:105355. doi: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2021.105355. Epub ahead of print.

Ellis-Smith C, Tunnard I, Dawkins M, Gao W, Higginson IJ, Evans CJ; SPACE. Managing clinical uncertainty in older people towards the end of life: a systematic review of person-centred tools. BMC Palliat Care. 2021 Oct 22;20(1):168. doi: 10.1186/s12904-021-00845-9.

Grabda M, Lim FA. Palliative Care Consult Among Older Adult Patients in Intensive Care Units: An Integrative Review. Crit Care Nurs Q. 2021 Apr-Jun 01;44(2):248-262. doi: 10.1097/CNQ.0000000000000358.

Hall A, Boulton E, Kunonga P, Spiers G, Beyer F, Bower P, Craig D, Todd C, Hanratty B. Identifying older adults with frailty approaching end-of-life: A systematic review. Palliat Med. 2021 Sep 14:2692163211045917. doi: 10.1177/02692163211045917. Epub ahead of print.

Hernandez SC, Overholser JC. A Systematic Review of Interventions for Hope/Hopelessness in Older Adults. Clin Gerontol. 2021 Mar-Apr;44(2):97-111. doi: 10.1080/07317115.2019.1711281. Epub 2020 Jan 8.

Hill TG, Langley JE, Kervin EK, Pesut B, Duggleby W, Warner G. An Integrative Review on the Feasibility and Acceptability of Delivering an Online Training and Mentoring Module to Volunteers Working in Community Organizations. Front Digit Health. 2021 Oct 14;3:688982. doi: 10.3389/fdgth.2021.688982.

Khalvati M, Babakhanian M, Khalvati M, Nafei A, Khalvati M, Ghafuri R. Death Anxiety in the Elderly in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Iran J Ageing. 2021;16(2):152-71.

Kukla H, Herrler A, Strupp J, Voltz R. The effects of confronting one's own end of life on older individuals and those with a life-threatening disease: A systematic literature review. Palliat Med. 2021 Sep 6:2692163211042528. doi: 10.1177/02692163211042528. Epub ahead of print.

Lamppu PJ, Pitkala KH. Staff Training Interventions to Improve End-of-Life Care of Nursing Home Residents: A Systematic Review. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2021 Feb;22(2):268-278. doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2020.09.011. Epub 2020 Oct 26.

Mantziari S, Teixeira Farinha H, Bouygues V, Vignal JC, Deswysen Y, Demartines N, Schäfer M, Piessen G. Esophageal Cancer in Elderly Patients, Current Treatment Options and Outcomes; A Systematic Review and Pooled Analysis. Cancers (Basel). 2021 Apr 27;13(9):2104. doi: 10.3390/cancers13092104.

Michaels J, Chen C, Ann Meeker M. Navigating the caregiving abyss: A metasynthesis of how family caregivers manage end-of-life care for older adults at home. Palliat Med. 2021 Sep 3:2692163211042999. doi: 10.1177/02692163211042999. Epub ahead of print.

Park EJ, Jo M, Park M, Kang SJ. Advance care planning for older adults in community-based settings: An umbrella review. Int J Older People Nurs. 2021 Jul 3:e12397. doi: 10.1111/opn.12397. Epub ahead of print.

Parsons K, Gaudine A, Swab M. Experiences of older adults accessing specialized health care services in rural and remote areas: a qualitative systematic review. JBI Evid Synth. 2021 Feb 16;19(6):1328-1343. doi: 10.11124/JBIES-20-00048.

Pel-Littel RE, Snaterse M, Teppich NM, Buurman BM, van Etten-Jamaludin FS, van Weert JCM, Minkman MM, Scholte Op Reimer WJM. Barriers and facilitators for shared decision making in older patients with multiple chronic conditions: a systematic review. BMC Geriatr. 2021 Feb 6;21(1):112. doi: 10.1186/s12877-021-02050-y.

Purrington J. Psychological Adjustment to Spousal Bereavement in Older Adults: A Systematic Review. Omega (Westport). 2021 Sep 1:302228211043702. doi: 10.1177/00302228211043702. Epub ahead of print.

Shrestha S, Poudel A, Cardona M, Steadman KJ, Nissen LM. Impact of deprescribing dual-purpose medications on patient-related outcomes for older adults near end-of-life: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ther Adv Drug Saf. 2021 Oct 22;12:20420986211052343. doi: 10.1177/20420986211052343.

Suntai Z, Won CR, Noh H. Access Barrier in Rural Older Adults' Use of Pain Management and Palliative Care Services: A Systematic Review. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2021 May;38(5):494-502. doi: 10.1177/1049909120959634. Epub 2020 Sep 22.

Yorganci E, Sampson EL, Gillam J, Aworinde J, Leniz J, Williamson LE, Cripps RL, Stewart R, Sleeman KE. Quality indicators for dementia and older people nearing the end of life: A systematic review. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2021 Jul 31. doi: 10.1111/jgs.17387. Epub ahead of print.

Zhang X, Jeong SY, Chan S. Advance care planning for older people in mainland China: An integrative literature review. Int J Older People Nurs. 2021 Jul 21:e12409. doi: 10.1111/opn.12409. Epub ahead of print.


Aitken C, Boyd M, Nielsen L, Collier A. Medication use in aged care residents in the last year of life: A scoping review. Palliat Med. 2020 Apr 14:269216320911596. doi: 10.1177/0269216320911596. Epub ahead of print.

de Nooijer K, Penders YW, Pivodic L, Van Den Noortgate NJ, Pype P, Van den Block L. Specialist palliative care services for older people in primary care: A systematic review using narrative synthesis. Palliat Med. 2020 Jan;34(1):32-48. doi: 10.1177/0269216319874978. Epub 2019 Sep 28.

de Oliveira SG, Pacheco STA, Nunes MDR, Caldas CP, Cunha AL, Peres PLP. Bioethical aspects of health care provided to older adults at the end of their lives. Rev enferm UERJ. 2020;28:e47321

Dodd SR, Payne SA, Preston NJ, Walshe CE. Understanding the Outcomes of Supplementary Support Services in Palliative Care for Older People. A Scoping Review and Mapping Exercise. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2020 Mar 19. Article in Press.

Duan-Porter W, Ullman K, Rosebush C, McKenzie L, Ensrud KE, Ratner E, Greer N, Shippee T, Gaugler JE, Wilt TJ. Interventions to Prevent or Delay Long-Term Nursing Home Placement for Adults with Impairments-a Systematic Review of Reviews. J Gen Intern Med. 2020 Jan 2;10.1007/s11606-019-05568-5. doi: 10.1007/s11606-019-05568-5. [Epub ahead of print].

Erzkamp S, Köberlein-Neu J, Rose O. An Algorithm for Comprehensive Medication Management in Nursing Homes: Results of the AMBER Project. Drug Saf. 2020 Oct 31. doi: 10.1007/s40264-020-01016-0. Epub ahead of print.

Frechman E, Dietrich MS, Walden RL, Maxwell CA. Exploring the Uptake of Advance Care Planning in Older Adults: An Integrative Review. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2020 Jul 6:S0885-3924(20)30588-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2020.06.043. Epub ahead of print.

González-González AI, Schmucker C, Nothacker J, Nury E, Dinh TS, Brueckle MS, Blom JW, van den Akker M, Röttger K, Wegwarth O, Hoffmann T, Gerlach FM, Straus SE, Meerpohl JJ, Muth C. End-of-Life Care Preferences of Older Patients with Multimorbidity: A Mixed Methods Systematic Review. J Clin Med. 2020 Dec 29;10(1):91. doi: 10.3390/jcm10010091.

Hopkins SA, Bentley A, Phillips V, Barclay S. Advance care plans and hospitalized frail older adults: a systematic review. BMJ Support Palliat Care. 2020 Apr 2:bmjspcare-2019-002093. doi: 10.1136/bmjspcare-2019-002093. Epub ahead of print.

Jeong E, Park J, Lee J. Diagnostic Test Accuracy of the 4AT for Delirium Detection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Oct 15;17(20):E7515. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17207515.

Leduc S, Cantor Z, Kelly P, Thiruganasambandamoorthy V, Wells G, Vaillancourt C. The Safety and Effectiveness of On-Site Paramedic and Allied Health Treatment Interventions Targeting the Reduction of Emergency Department Visits by Long-Term Care Patients: Systematic Review. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2020 Jul 20:1-10. doi: 10.1080/10903127.2020.1794084. Epub ahead of print.

Lee K, Mileski M, Fohn J, Frye L, Brooks L. Facilitators and Barriers Surrounding the Role of Administration in Employee Job Satisfaction in Long-Term Care Facilities: A Systematic Review. Healthcare (Basel). 2020 Sep 24;8(4):E360. doi: 10.3390/healthcare8040360.

Li Y, Ma J, Jin Y, Li N, Zheng R, Mu W, Wang J, Si JH, Chen J, Shang HC. Benzodiazepines for treatment of patients with delirium excluding those who are cared for in an intensive care unit. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2020 Feb 28;2(2):CD012670. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD012670.pub2.

Loggers SAI, Van Lieshout EMM, Joosse P, Verhofstad MHJ, Willems HC. Prognosis of nonoperative treatment in elderly patients with a hip fracture: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Injury. 2020 Aug 23:S0020-1383(20)30703-8. doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2020.08.027. Epub ahead of print.

Mileski M, Pannu U, Payne B, Sterling E, McClay R. The Impact of Nurse Practitioners on Hospitalizations and Discharges from Long-term Nursing Facilities: A Systematic Review. Healthcare (Basel). 2020 Apr 28;8(2):E114. doi: 10.3390/healthcare8020114.

Morgan T, Bharmal A, Duschinsky R, Barclay S. Experiences of oldest-old caregivers whose partner is approaching end-of-life: A mixed-method systematic review and narrative synthesis. PLoS One. 2020 Jun 9;15(6):e0232401. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0232401.

Ogletree AM, Mangrum R, Harris Y, Gifford DR, Barry R, Bergofsky L, Perfetto D. Omissions of Care in Nursing Home Settings: A Narrative Review. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2020 May;21(5):604-614.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2020.02.016. Epub 2020 Apr 9.

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Last updated 4 February 2025