Professional leadership resources for nurses

Care and service implementation

  • Central Queensland University (QLD) highlight what evidence-based practice is. Here you will find a description of the Levels of evidence.
  • The Edith Cowan University (WA) describe the Levels of evidence and types of study design.
  • The Clinical Information Access Portal eLearning (NSW) define the types of evidence and how they may help to answer clinical questions.
  • To understand more about the types of evidence that are highly valued in academic writing, the University of Sydney (NSW) module Evaluating your evidence explains this in detail.
  • The University of York (UK) offer a free electronic version of their guidance document Systematic Reviews (2009). Here you will learn more about undertaking a systematic review in healthcare.
  • To understand the procedure and requirements for developing a high quality guideline, the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) provide the following resources:

Here are some resources that explain evidence based practice and evidence synthesis:

Policy, quality, standards

Last updated 20 May 2024