Find out what Australian researchers are publishing in palliative care 

The following lists palliative care research primarily conducted by Australian research groups. The list is based on application of the CareSearch search filter for palliative care to identify articles held within the PubMed database and corresponding to the strongest evidence. Articles have been selected based on relevance and new articles are added on a weekly basis.

Whilst not an exhaustive list, the aim is to keep the community informed by providing a snapshot of recent research findings and planned studies in the Australian setting.

10 October 2024

If eQ-5D-5L mobility dimension ratings are high, is life-space assessment a clinically sensible next step? Data from a population survey.

Kochovska S, Chang, S, Phillips JL, Currow DC.

Background: Impaired health states can limit a person's mobility, often progressively for people with life-limiting illnesses. Quantifying mobility changes is crucial for individual clinical care and service planning.

Objective: To explore any correlation between EQ-5D-5L's mobility dimension ratings and Life-Space Assessment (LSA) from a population sample.

Methods: An online population survey of Australian adults, nationally-representative by key demographics. An analysis of variance examined each level of the EQ-5D-5L mobility dimension rating against its LSA scores; Kendall's Tau assessed correlation.

Results: Participants (n = 6366) were 53% women, mean age 46.1 years (SD 18.6), and mean LSA score 78.0 (SD = 27.5; possible range 0-120). At each EQ-5D-5L mobility dimension level there was a significant difference between LSA scores (p < 0.001), and a moderate negative correlation (Kendall's tau b = -0.342) between the two measures.

Conclusion: Given the relationship defined, EQ-5D-5L mobility dimension ratings may prompt clinicians to consider further evaluation with the more detailed Life-Space Assessment.

10 October 2024

A scoping review of the barriers and facilitators to clinician engagement in hospital-based palliative care in Australian hospitals.

Meehan E, Parker C, Ayton D, Katz N, Gold M, Wang Y, et al.

Background: Current research has shown that inpatient palliative care (PC) services are under-utilized, poorly integrated, and frequently introduced too late during inpatient hospital stays. The aim of this study was to identify a comprehensive list of multi-disciplinary facilitators and barriers to inpatient PC in Australian hospitals through a scoping literature review.

Methods: This review identified articles published since 2000 from 3 electronic databases (CINAHL Plus, MEDLINE and Embase), which included discussion of collaboration among non-palliative care clinicians and palliative care professionals in Australian hospitals. We used an inductive approach to identifying key domains of barriers and facilitators.

Results: Thirty-four articles met inclusion criteria following full text review. Barriers and facilitators were categorized in 7 domains: (1) Patient concerns, (2) Family concerns, (3) Clinician knowledge, education, and experience in palliative care, (4) Recognition and acceptance of prognosis when a patient was dying or needing end of life treatment, (5) Reconciliation of individual and professional values around PC, (6) Clinician access to resources for PC in the hospital, and (7) Communication between the PC team and ward clinicians. Each domain included potentially substantial barriers to PC delivery and practice. However, given the small sample sizes and specialized settings of many included studies, it was difficult to draw conclusions on the relative significance of different barriers across hospitals.

Conclusion: This review identified a number of barriers and facilitators across studies. Subsequent research needs to more comprehensively compare factors impacting PC use in order to improve implementation of PC across hospital settings.

10 October 2024

Acknowledgement and use of advance care directives and goals of care by emergency department staff: A mixed method post intervention study.

Osman AD, Howell J, Yeoh M, Lam L, Jones D, Braitberg G.

Introduction: Advance Care Planning (ACP) refers to a process that includes Advance Care Directives (ACD) and Goals of Care (GOC), a practice widely used for over three decades. Following the findings of an audit and a cross-sectional study in 2019 and 2021 respectively, we implemented several educational and other interventional strategies aimed at enhancing staff awareness and emphasizing the importance of recognizing and documenting of ACD/GOC. The aim of this study was to evaluate the acknowledgement and use of ACD and GOC by Emergency Department (ED) staff following these interventions.

Method: We used a mixed methods approach, incorporating both observational and cross-sectional designs with reflexive thematic analysis. Data extraction for the observational study took place between 1st April and 30th June 2023 focusing on a target population of randomly sampled adults aged ≥ 65 years. Demographics and other ACD and GOC related patients' clinical data were collected. Data collection for the cross-sectional study occurred between 19th July and 13th September 2023 targeting all ED staff. Information gathered included demographics, awareness about ACD and GOC, including storage location and implementation, as well as knowledge of Medical Treatment decision Makers (MTDM), a jurisdictional term identifying a person legally appointed to make healthcare decisions on behalf of someone who lacks decision-making capacity and other Victorian State legislative requirements were collected.

Results: In the observational period, 22,335 patients attended the ED and 19% (n = 6546) qualified for inclusion from which a sample of 308 patients were randomly extracted. We found ACD documents were noted in the medical records of 6.5% of the sample, fewer than 8% identified in our previous study. There was no correlation between ACD record availability and age (p = 0.054; CI ranging from - 0.065 to 7.768). The response rate for the cross-sectional survey was 12% (n = 340) in contrast to earlier study with 28% (n = 476) respondents. Staff knowledge and familiarity with ACD was 25% and GOC 45%.

Conclusion: After implementing interventions in staff education and ACP awareness, we found that ACD documentation did not improve. However, GOC documentation increased in the context of heightened institutional awareness and integration into the Electronic Medical Records (EMR).

© 2024. Crown.

10 October 2024

Creutzfeldt-jakob disease: From presentation to palliative care.

Scott D, Solvyns S, Ralston D, Hely MA.

No Abstract.

10 October 2024

Models of care for voluntary assisted dying: A qualitative study of Queensland's approach in its first year of operation.

White BP, Ward A, Feeney R, Ley Greaves L, Willmott L. 

Objective: Voluntary assisted dying (VAD) began in Queensland in January 2023 but little is known about its practical operation. This research examined models of care for providing VAD in Queensland.MethodsSemi-structured interviews were conducted with 24 participants involved with VAD delivery across Queensland's 16 Health and Hospital Services (HHSs). Participants included HHS VAD Coordinators, nurse practitioners and nurses who acted as administering practitioners, and Queensland VAD Support and Pharmacy Service (QVAD SPS) staff.

Results: Five themes about Queensland VAD models of care were developed: VAD is accessed almost exclusively through the public sector via HHSs, influenced by a Health Service Directive; local models of care vary; nurses play significant roles facilitating access to and providing VAD; QVAD SPS has been instrumental supporting HHSs and ensuring statewide access as back-up VAD provider; and VAD services need more resourcing.ConclusionsThe Queensland approach to providing VAD has been largely successful in ensuring patient access across the state. However, it differs from previous Australian VAD models with access predominantly through the public sector, greater roles played by nurse practitioners/nurses, and VAD being provided by QVAD SPS. Under-resourcing and consistency in provision of VAD services remain challenges.


Last updated 30 April 2024