The following lists palliative care research primarily conducted by Australian research groups. The list is based on application of the CareSearch search filter for palliative care to identify articles held within the PubMed database and corresponding to the strongest evidence. Articles have been selected based on relevance and new articles are added on a weekly basis.
Whilst not an exhaustive list, the aim is to keep the community informed by providing a snapshot of recent research findings and planned studies in the Australian setting.
McLaughlan R.
Abstract: Following a 3-year long research project that gathered 146 views, including those of palliative care patients, family members, medical staff, administrators, architects and government representatives, this paper explores the hypothesis that motivated this work; a hunch that the built environment affects us most during times of intense vulnerability. Of these 146 people, only a small handful could provide insight relative to the experience of occupying hospital spaces as a loved one nears the end of life. This article honours these stories and discusses them in relation to my own observations and experiences. The article is thus part observation, part participant interview, part autoethnography. Findings already published from the broader study have spoken to the importance of fresh air, access to nature, spaces for spending time with family, as well as alone, and ensuring people feel comfortable to enact rituals of home within the hospital. Yet the accounts discussed here are different. They speak to the subtle ways that hospital environments communicate when emotions are raw, and people are at their most exhausted. They speak to the ways that aesthetics are felt; and make evident that notions of homeliness must encompass far more at the end of life. A sense of welcome is not a nicety but a need, as is comfort, and what might be termed 'imaginative respite'-the idea that the built environment might somehow alleviate the focus on an unbearable reality. These accounts speak to the difficulty of navigating grief, and a hopeful expectation that the built environment might somehow soften the edges of this experience. In focusing on these stories, this article contributes a deeper understanding of what is really at stake when we design for palliative care.
Saunders R, Alexander S, Andrew J, Wilkinson A, Gullick K, Davray A, et al.
Objectives: This study explored bereaved relatives' experiences of end-of-life care (EoL care) in the last 3 days in an acute private hospital in Australia.
Methods: An interpretative qualitative study was conducted. Semi-structured interviews with 8 bereaved relatives whose family member had died at an acute private hospital shared their experiences of the EoL care during the last 3 days of life. The transcribed interviews were analyzed using inductive thematic analysis.
Results: Bereaved family members had mixed experiences, and their primary concerns related to the need for improvements in support for the family; communication; and clinicians partnering with families. The need for family support encompassed care for the person dying and the bereaved relatives, before and during the last days of life, and after death. Bereaved relatives perceived that hospital based EoL care could be positive when the care was collaborative with health professionals, patients, and relatives and there was effective communication.
Significance of results: A patient- and family-centered approach to EoL care should be provided in hospitals, and it requires understanding of the needs of both patients and family members, including informational requirements, communication approaches, and care delivery. Health-care organizations have a responsibility to care for families and this must be considered as part of organizational readiness and ongoing assessment to determine if the standards for EoL care are met. The findings serve as a guide for evidence-informed practice and may contribute to the development of resources and guidelines for delivery of quality EoL care.
Vayne-Bossert P, Hardy J.
Abstract: Hypnosis has gained popular interest over the last few decades and has become increasingly subject to research study. Evidence of benefit in the palliative care setting is largely lacking, but it has been shown to have a favourable impact on psychological symptoms, especially anxiety, as well as chronic pain conditions. As a personalised approach, hypnotherapy is an excellent example of individual-centred care. Moreover, in the absence of significant adverse effects, it offers great promise as a complementary therapy.
Wong RLY, Han CY, Thomas J, Knowles R.
Objectives: To explore the perceptions and experiences of healthcare professionals (HCPs) caring for older adults with cancer regarding dietary advice provision and dietetic referral.
Methods: Qualitative descriptive study providing rich descriptions of the experiences of multidisciplinary HCPs in providing care to older adults with cancer, excluding dietitians or nutritionists. Purposive and snowball sampling methods were used for recruitment. Semi-structured interviews and a focus group session were conducted. Data was analysed using qualitative content analysis. Inductive codes were generated, and codes representing factors influencing HCPs' referral to dietetics and dietary advice provision were then mapped to domains in the Tailored Implementation of Chronic Diseases (TICD) checklist using a deductive approach.
Results: Twenty HCPs across various Australian healthcare settings participated, with a broad range of working experience (1.5 to 53 years) being interviewed. Most participants perceived their role in the provision of general dietary advice, and there was a consensus that nutrition is important. Key barriers (e.g. lack of time and resources, perceived lack of knowledge, scope of practice), including unique patient-related barriers (e.g. co-morbidities, fatalistic mindset), and key facilitators (e.g. need for education, evidence-based resources, multidisciplinary team approach) to dietary advice provision fell within five TICD domains (intervention, health professional factors, patient factors, professional interactions, incentives and resources). Common barriers (e.g. disconnections in multidisciplinary care, lack of structured referral pathways) and facilitators (e.g. clear referral pathways) to referral fell within four TICD domains (intervention, health professional factors, professional interactions, incentives and resources).
Conclusion: The barriers and facilitators to referral and provision of dietary advice by HCPs suggest the need for system-level changes via a multi-pronged approach. Simple and accessible nutrition resources, stronger nutrition education for HCPs, improved referral pathways and role clarity are required to support a multidisciplinary approach to nutritional care. More qualitative research on patient-level factors involving older adults with cancer is warranted.
McKenzie J, Dunn C, Gard G, Le B, Gibbs P.
Abstract: Previous reports indicated many patients with advanced cancer and limited life expectancy have ongoing preventive medication prescription (PMP) of uncertain benefit and increased risk. Our review of palliative care oncology admissions found high rates of PMP (69%) at time of first palliative care admission, despite high rates of inpatient deprescription (88%) and death at a median of 16 days (interquartile range 10-45) following admission. Rates of PMPs did not vary by time from last systemic treatment (P = 0.29) or by prior palliative care involvement (P = 0.82). Physicians and the wider multidisciplinary care team may be missing deprescription opportunities for terminally ill patients.
Last updated 30 April 2024