As we outline in this section there are resources that can help support children and teenagers in their grief. These could be for parents, teachers, carers and families.
Children grieve in a different way from adults. Grief will affect each child or teenager differently. Their behaviour may change; they may need support or someone to talk to. Each of them will take in information in different ways. This will depend on the child or teenager. It will depend on their age, and their emotional maturity and how they are told of the death. It will also depend on who has died, how they died, and the child’s relationship with them. A child or teenager's reaction to the news can help to determine how they will go forward.
What a child understands will vary with their age, having resources for their age group is important.
Download the CareSearch factsheet: Books to help kids understand death and grief (1.80MB pdf)
Raising Children, the Australian parenting website, suggests ways to help children of all ages following the death of someone they knew including:
Visit the Raising Children website for tips on talking with children
Preschoolers: tough topics
Visit the Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement website for Information Sheets about understanding grief, including grief in children at different ages
Visit the QuoCCA website for Family Resources
Explore additional resources
Last updated 02 August 2021