Palliative News

Get involved: CareSearchgp App

The palliAGEDgp App has been available to GPs for over 8 years. During this time, we have undertaken some content updates to make sure the information remains current, but we are going to start a more focused update that will add some new topics and a broader resource base to support GPs who provide care for people with palliative care needs of all ages. When the update is complete, the new version of the App will be released as CareSearchgp, a name chosen to reflect the alignment of the App with the CareSearch GP Hub. If you have any ideas you would like to share or if you are a GP or nurse practitioner who would like to be involved in the review or user testing processes, email us at

Friday, 14 July 2023

New funding for 2023-26

CareSearch/palliAGED is pleased to announce that we have been included in project funding announced by the Department of Health and Aged Care for the 2023-26 period. With $53 million allocated to 14 National Palliative Care Projects and an addition $15.9 million to the End of Life Directions for Aged Care (ELDAC) initiative the government has confirmed its commitment to ensuring quality end of life experiences in Australia. See a list of all Palliative Care Projects and End of Life Directions for Aged Care Funding (84kb pdf). 

Tuesday, 6 June 2023

New courses added to eLearning for Health Professionals

Online learning provides a flexible way to learn. CareSearch makes it easy for you to access a range of courses and now there are even more! Visit the eLearning section to find your next learning experience.

Newly added:

  • Effective Communication in patient care
  • ELDAC learning for aged care
  • Essence of Spiritual Care
  • eviQ Introduction to supportive care in cancer
  • Gippsland GRPCC education initiatives
  • Fundamentals of palliative care
  • Li-VE Healthy dying for people with disability
  • Pharmaceutical Society of Australia
Wednesday, 10 May 2023

Last updated 24 August 2021