Palliative News

Aged care nursing: the speciality of the future

Over the last four decades, aged care services in Australia have changed from publicly funded nursing homes to privately run 'residential aged care facilities' that now cater to high care needs. Juliane Samara, a Specialist Palliative Aged Care Nurse Practitioner, emphasises the significance of having a competent workforce of aged care nurses to provide quality palliative care.


Monday, 8 May 2023

From access to evidence to practice ready resources

Evidence is the foundation of best practice. To acknowledge the importance of World Evidence-Based Healthcare Day 2022, held on 20 October every year, Professor Jennifer Tieman discusses the journey taken by CareSearch's evidence centre - that it a place for people to find, learn about, and work with palliative care evidence.

Thursday, 20 October 2022

Telehealth: Adapting care during a pandemic

The current COVID-19 pandemic is presenting many urgent challenges in healthcare. However, it is important to remember the continuing needs of current and new patients with other health problems. It is within this context that Professor Jennifer Tieman, CareSearch Director from Flinders University discusses telehealth and how it can be used in addressing unexpected and novel health problems.

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Last updated 24 August 2021