Palliative News

Heading into 2023 - 2026

During 2023-2026, we will be continuing to ensure the currency of the CareSearch website and in particular we will be reviewing the Clinical Evidence Summaries to make sure they are relevant and useful to health professionals. For our partner site, palliAGED, we will be updating our Practice Centre and the Australian context section. We will also be looking at developing a framework for both CareSearch and palliAGED sites  to understand how people and organisations are using our resources and how the sites help in providing care.

Wednesday, 9 August 2023

Welcoming a new team

As we move into our new work program, we are delighted to welcome new team members who will be supporting our work for both CareSearch and palliAGED. Dr Raechel Damarell will be joining us as the new Senior Research Fellow on 21 August. She will be joining Susan Gravier who is continuing as our Research Officer and Cameron Shepherd, our current web officer. New faces who have just arrived are Jasmine Lewis who will be taking charge of our marketing and promotions and Jason Scarman who will take charge of our administration. We are just finalising the details for our new Research Fellow who will be joining us in a few months’ time.

Wednesday, 9 August 2023

Last updated 24 August 2021