Palliative News

Nominations for the Stronger Medicare Awards

You have until 30 June to nominate an individual or team that works in or alongside the primary healthcare sector. The awards recognise individuals and practices that give excellent care, embrace change and improve the health of their community.  What a great chance to recognise the individuals and teams in primary healthcare that support palliative care patients and care for those who are ageing, caring, dying and grieving. Visit the Stronger Medicare Awards website for nomination requirements.  Nominations close 30 June 2024.

Thursday, 30 May 2024

New National Palliative Care measures from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare has released the National palliative care measures—a new set of care measures which will allow an assessment of the current state of the systems and provide a tool for sector improvements. These measures are designed to support the National Palliative Care Strategy by tracking if ‘people affected by life-limiting illnesses get the care they need to live well.’

AIHW has also released its report on Palliative care and health service use for people with life-limiting conditions. This is the first national study to examine palliative health service use across multiple settings (hospital and community) and by patient characteristics (sociodemographic and diagnosis) for a population receiving specialist palliative care and a population in need of palliative care.

Thursday, 23 May 2024

Palliative care education and training: Communication Toolkits

The Department of Health and Aged Care has released toolkits to encourage the workforce to undertake palliative care education and training. They have content and resources tailored for aged care, general practitioners, nurses and allied health professionals about training. This training will help them deliver quality palliative care. The toolkits include key messages about the importance of palliative care education and training, editorial content for newsletters, emails, websites and intranet news, text message content for aged care providers to send to their staff, videos, posters, and social media posts and image tiles.

Thursday, 23 May 2024

New National Core Community Palliative Care Medicines List

In response to requests from key national stakeholders, the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care supported the caring@home project to develop a core medicines list applicable across all Australian States and Territories. The list identifies four medicines that can be prescribed by clinicians for end-of-life symptom management for home-based palliative care patients. It will support standardised, quality palliative care by improving access to medicines in the community.

Wednesday, 22 May 2024

Last updated 24 August 2021