Palliative News

Compassionate Communities Australia launched in Perth

The launch of Compassionate Communities Australia (CCAus) by WA Governor Hon Chris Dawson was held at Government House in Perth in late March and marked an important milestone in the history of public health and palliative care in Australia. Compassionate Communities founder Prof Allan Kellehear said the establishment of CCAus was also a significant international development. CCAus’s role will be to pioneer the development of Compassionate Communities across Australia.

Learn more about CCAus on their website.

Monday, 29 April 2024

Updated GP resources for your practice

The CareSearch GP Hub provides GPs with reliable information and guidance on palliative and end-of-life care. The refreshed platform now includes updated links to professional practice resources for GPs, as well as a separate section with resources GPs can suggest to patients and their families. The new CareSearchgp App is also accessible within the Hub.

Wednesday, 17 April 2024

Last updated 24 August 2021