Palliative News

New CareSearchgp App

CareSearch has released its new CareSearchgp app! A free digital tool to support GPs in delivering quality palliative care. It brings together guidance on terminal prescribing for specific symptoms and evidence-based information on key care issues including:

  • Advance care planning
  • Recognising deterioration
  • Engaging in palliative care case conferences
  • Caring for the dying patient, and
  • Assisting families through stages of bereavement.

Interactive features include a checklist to support dying at home and the ability to curate your own learning resources and send links to quality information to individual patients. Free to download on your smartphone device.  

Monday, 25 March 2024

End of life and Palliative Care Education and Training

Education and training can help health professionals to support and deliver palliative care and care at the end of life over time and across settings. The Government of Western Australia Department of Health have developed an education and training framework for all health professionals, staff and organisations involved in providing end of life and palliative care in WA. CareSearch and WA Health have worked together to create an enhanced digital resource including an interactive personal learning matrix and learning plan to connect users with their identified education needs. Visit Education and Training for WA.

Monday, 25 March 2024

Last updated 24 August 2021