Palliative News

Ensuring dignity and comfort in the late stages of life: the role of palliative care in aged care

Violet Platt, CEO of Palliative Care Victoria, shares insights into the 'Dignified and Respectful Decisions' project. This initiative provides practical support for individuals caring for loved ones in residential aged care through information and resources. The project helps caregivers advocate, make decisions, and collaborate with the aged care team, ensuring their loved ones' autonomy, values, and preferences are honoured.

Friday, 26 April 2024

Why don’t we talk about dying?

Palliative care plays a crucial role in improving the quality of life and the dying experience, yet access to these services remains unequal, especially in regional areas. Suzanne Sara and Felicity Burns, The Dementia Centre, HammondCare, discuss the Last Days program. This program aims to bridge the gap in knowledge and resources by providing families and caregivers with education to assist in navigating end-of-life care with confidence and compassion.

Tuesday, 16 April 2024

Nurse practitioners: increasing access to palliative care in residential aged care facilities

Nurses and carers working in residential aged care are under pressure to provide care for people with very complex needs in an environment that often lacks senior staff. Palliative Care Needs Rounds (PCNRs) offer education and mentoring to improve access to specialised palliative care in residential aged care facilities. They also aim to enhance staff skills and confidence in managing pain and end-of-life symptoms. In her blog, Nikki Johnston discusses the benefits of PCNRs for both staff and residents.

Wednesday, 3 April 2024

Using virtual care to enhance palliative care experiences

In palliative care, ensuring comfort and support is crucial. Virtual care emerges as a vital tool, fostering connections between patients, families, and healthcare providers remotely.
This blog explores how virtual care is helping patients, families and carers to feel supported during palliative care; and the flexibility and collaboration it offers to clinical teams.

Wednesday, 3 April 2024

Last updated 24 August 2021