Since its launch in 2008, CareSearch has continued to create new content, resources and products to support the palliative care community. Our timeline shows you when different resources were introduced. It also documents some activities which have been completed and any key references to the work.
CareSearchgp App
New app to support GPs in delivering quality palliative care. Released March 2024.
Education on the run
10 short education videos for aged care nursing staff released December 2023.
palliAGED Aged care journeys
Training resources on aged care journeys in palliative care released June 2023.
Acute Care Section
New Acute Care Section in Health Professionals released December 2022.
CareSearch Evidence Centre
The CareSearch Evidence Centre released May 2022.
palliAGED Tip sheets palliAGED Tip sheets 2nd Edition including 5 new topics released May 2022.
CareSearch Portal released
The CareSearch portal comprising three centres: Community, Health Professional, and Evidence and Translation was released in September 2021.
palliAGED Introductory modules The palliAGED introductory modules covering 10 palliative care topics were released in May 2021.
CareSearch Portal Project
The redevelopment of CareSearch to create a new portal comprising a Community Centre, Health Professional Centre and Evidenced and Translation Centre commenced.
CareSearch Engagement Framework
Findings from the CareSearch Engagement project released.
Australian Carer Toolkit for Advanced Disease
Working with St Vincent's Health, CareSearch built this new toolkit of evidence and resources for family carers.
ELDAC Digital Dashboard As part of the ELDAC consortium, CareSearch contributed to the development of the dashboard of end of life indicators for aged care.
palliAGED Practice Tip Sheets CareSearch releases a series of practical evidence informed Tip Sheets covering a wide range of palliative care topics for careworkers and nurses new to palliative care.
ELDAC Website and Toolkits CareSearch is part of the ELDAC Consortium and released the ELDAC website and toolkits to help improve aged care outcomes.
TEL Website CareSearch partnered with Sydney University to build the TEL website, an end of life resource to help people with intellectual disability.
CareSearch Engagement Project CareSearch leads an Engagement Project to enable more Australian health professionals and consumers access and use evidence based palliative care information.
Education in Aged Care CareSearch released an updated Education Section now incorporating opportunities for those working in the aged care sector.
caring@home Project CareSearch partnered with Brisbane South Palliative Care Collaborative to create a new online resource supporting carers to provide medications in the home.
palliAGED Website CareSearch created the palliAGED website to support health professionals working in the aged care sector. The website ensures easy access to an evidence base for care, practice and service delivery.
Dying2Learn CareSearch’s Dying2Learn online course was given the National Innovation in Palliative Care Award. In response to the changing needs of its users, CareSearch refreshed its website and resources.
Dying2Learn CareSearch created the Dying2Learn Massive Open Online Course to enable all Australians to learn, talk and plan for dying, death and palliative care.
palliAGEDnurse In partnership with Decision Assist, CareSearch launched the palliAGEDnurse, a free app that provides all Australian nurses with 24/7 evidence based information for supporting patients approaching the end of their life.
palliAGED In partnership with Decision Assist, CareSearch launched the palliAGEDgp app. The free app provides doctors evidence based information and prescribing guidance in both smartphone and web-based versions.
Palliative Perspectives The CareSearch blog, Palliative Perspectives, also started.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander pages CareSearch developed the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander pages to help health professionals deliver culturally responsive care.
My Information Kit The My Information Kit was released to help doctors provide evidence based information for their patients needing palliative care.
Allied Health Section Recognising that allied health professionals are essential to palliative care, CareSearch added the Allied Health section to ensure that professionals working in this important area can provide evidence based and person-centred support to their clients.
Telehealth Trial with Flinders University CareSearch also lent its expertise and supported the Telehealth Trial with Flinders University.
Needs Assessment Tool for Carers Needs Assessment tool for carers was established.
Residential Aged Care Section CareSearch created the Residential Aged Care section to support and enable staff to provide quality care for older Australians at the end of life.
My Learning Modules CareSearch released the first My Learning Modules to support the professional development of doctors, nurses and allied health workers on palliative care.
Lung Cancer Search Filter The Lung Cancer Search Filter was also added to enable health professionals find the latest evidence quickly and efficiently.
National Standards Assessment Program Support CareSearch also worked with Palliative Care Australia to support the National Standards Assessment Program which aimed to improve the quality of services across Australia.
Nurses Section CareSearch created the Nurses section to support them in providing the best possible palliative care to patients and their carers.
Heart Failure Search Filter The Heart Failure Search Filter was also developed to assist health professionals find the latest evidence efficiently.
Resources for Italian, Greek and Cantonese Communities To address the needs of cultural communities, CareSearch translated its resources into various languages. Italian, Greek and Cantonese videos were the first to be released.
Patient-Families Section CareSearch created its Patient-Families section to provide practical and evidence based advice and resources for those living with or caring for someone with life-limiting illness.
GP Section A specialised GP section was also developed to enable doctors to provide quality palliative care and support to patients and their families.
Last updated 29 August 2024