The CareSearch Advisory Group and content review group members are selected to represent a wide range of Australian population groups and organisations. Input from these groups is instrumental in guiding and ensuring that CareSearch provides evidence-based information that is relevant, practical, current, and inclusive. With representation from all states and territories of Australia the aim is to provide nationally relevant and accessible evidence-based support in palliative care.
The development of complex projects requires a wide range of expertise. The CareSearch Project uses skills and knowledge from various fields and disciplines such as medicine, sociology, education, marketing and informatics. A network of individuals and groups has also contributed to the project's development. There are two formal group levels.
CareSearch Advisory Group: Provides strategic guidance and direction. Reviews and endorses the project's structure and network.
CareSearch Review groups: Act as a reservoir of knowledge, skills and networks for the CareSearch project. Providing expert opinion and insights, and an exchange point for promotion and linkage into constituencies.
In addition the Project Team comprises full time, part-time and casual staff with backgrounds in medicine, nursing, social work, librarianship, marketing, informatics and research.
Professor Jennifer Tieman is CareSearch Director and Chief Investigator for the project.
A large number of people throughout A0ustralia volunteer their time and expertise in developing resources for the network.
Director of Policy, Health and Ageing, FECCA
Palliative Care Clinical Services Manager, ISLHD Palliative Care Service
Pippa is the Palliative Care Clinical Services Manager for Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District and a co-founder and Chair of Palliative Care Social Work Australia. Pippa has a PhD in bereavement; a Masters in Palliative Care; and post-graduate qualifications in Grief and Palliative Care Counselling. Pippa has worked in palliative care and bereavement for 20 years and has been a Peer Mentor with the National Standards Assessment Program, Palliative Care Australia and worked as a Quality Improvement Facilitator with Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration. Throughout her career Pippa has provided tertiary and workplace education, consultation, project management, service development, policy and model of care development and implementation. Pippa sits on a range of committees, contributing to the development of policy, models of care and other initiatives in palliative care.
Annie is on Palliative Care Australia’s National Register of Palliative Care Consumers and Carers.
With extensive experience working in health as a paediatric nurse, researcher and in policy Annie is interested in sharing her knowledge of palliative care as a carer/consumer. Annie is motivated to contribute to conversations and research about improving access to and increasing the community’s understanding of palliative care in regional, rural and remote settings. In particular, how best to support non-specialist palliative care providers in primary care, aged care and disability services.
Director of Medical Services, Atherton Hospital
Professor of Clinical Epidemiology, Institute for Evidence-Based Healthcare, Bond University
Tammy is Professor of Clinical Epidemiology and NHMRC Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Evidence-Based Health Care, Bond University. Her research spans many aspects of evidence-based practice, shared decision making, and maximising the translation of evidence into practice to assist clinicians, patients, and the public to make informed health decisions. One of her current areas is devoted to more closely integrating shared decision making and evidence-based practice so that evidence is translated into practice better, in a more patient-centred way, and in a way that considers the sustainability of health systems.
She is also Director of the Australasian EQUATOR Centre and involved in the development of various reporting guidelines, including the TIDieR (Template for Intervention Description and Replication) checklist and PRISMA 2020. Tammy has over 300 publications, including many in leading journals such as JAMA, BMJ, JAMA Internal Medicine, PLOS Medicine, and BMC Medicine. She is the lead author of a widely used interdisciplinary evidence-based practice book (Evidence-Based Practice across the Health Professions, 4th edition 2023).
Council of Australian Librarians (CAUL) and Monash University
After completing a PhD with the Department of Human-Centred Computing, at Monash University in 2021, Lisa has held invited researcher roles at Monash University in the fields of information management, data management, digital health, and digital transformation. She is a Board Director for Therapeutic Guidelines Ltd and a Co-founder and Co-convenor for the Australian Evidence-Based Practice Librarians' Institute established in 2011. She has extensive experience as a senior health sciences library manager having worked at three Australian research-intensive universities and CSIRO. Lisa has published and presented her research at key forums on digital health, open science, evidence-based practice, and knowledge management.
Research Chair in Community Health, Australian Institute for Primary Care and Ageing, La Trobe University
Chief Executive, May Shaw Health and Aged Care for Living
Clinical Director Supportive and Palliative Care, Eastern Health
Adjunct Clinical Professor Leeroy William has been a palliative medicine specialist since 2009 and is based in Melbourne, having trained in the UK and New Zealand.
He is currently the Clinical Director of the Supportive and Palliative Care Service at Eastern Health, with academic positions at Monash and La Trobe Universities. He is a Past-President of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Palliative Medicine (ANZSPM) and continues to be involved in clinical, educational, research, and leadership activities to improve the healthcare system for all. These have included positions in the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP), involvement with the Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration (PCOC), and education via social media platforms.
His interests have extended beyond palliative care, as a Schwartz Round Clinical Lead, Faculty member of the Leadership and Innovation in Health course run by Monash University and Harvard Macy, and host of the Narratives of Connection podcast.
Cisco Chair and Professor of Digital Health Systems - Flinders University
Professor Trish Williams is a leader in research and innovation in digital health. Trish is Cisco Chair and Professor of Digital Health Systems at Flinders University, Director of Flinders Digital Health Research Centre, and Director of Cisco-Flinders Digital Health Design Lab and Digital Health IOT Laboratory. Internationally recognised in her field, Trish applies 30 years’ experience in healthcare computing to research and practical outcomes in cybersecurity, health IoT, mobile health, medical devices, governance, patient safety, and health software safety. A passionate contributor and advocate for digital health informatics standards, Trish is co-chair HL7 International Security Workgroup and national expert on health informatics, security and medical device ISO standards. She has authored over 130 medical information security and safety publications.
Acknowledging contributions from our palliative care community.
Last updated 28 October 2024