Three things to do about health professionals’ knowledge of end of life law Health professionals need to know the law that governs withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining treatment. Law is not at the centre of the clinical encounter, but it is part... Read more... 9/12/2016 | Health Professionals Tags: End-of-life law Views: 1692
Now there is specialised support and training for Australian GP nurses to provide... As a young doctor I spent some time working in a palliative care hospital in the early 90’s. It was such a privilege to be working with people at end of life - with... Read more... 2/12/2016 | Health Professionals | Nurses Tags: Education and training Views: 999
When the small things become extraordinarily important… When someone has an incurable disease like advanced cancer or motor neurone disease, they experience many changes, one of which is functional decline. Although functional... Read more... 18/11/2016 | Health Professionals | Allied Health Tags: Occupational Therapy Views: 1653
Lifting weights and spirits! Move it or lose it, as the saying goes, is relevant to the field of palliative care. In fact, evidence suggests that up to 30% of muscle weakness in advanced illness can be due... Read more... 11/11/2016 | Health Professionals | Allied Health Tags: Physiotherapy Views: 1118