Listen, Acknowledge, Respond: Addressing the mental health needs of those living with... Mental health and palliative care patients: the “treatment gap” Sadness, social withdrawal, depression, loss of hope; if a non-palliative person experiences any of... Read more... 30/08/2016 | Community | Patients and Carers Tags: Mental health Views: 1114
Improving Patient Outcomes in Palliative Care through Point-of-Care Assessment and... ul { list-style-position: inside; } Who are we? The Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration (PCOC) is a nationally funded program that uses standardised clinical... Read more... 23/08/2016 | Health Professionals Tags: Translation and application Views: 1158
Improving Children’s Palliative Care Close to Home in Australia Children’s palliative care shares many of the principles of palliative care that is provided to adults. However, there are unique aspects of the care provided in... Read more... 16/08/2016 | Health Professionals | Paediatrics Tags: Accessing services and support | QuoCCA Views: 2626
PCACE Project: Developing and maintaining guidance for palliative care in aged care The release of the Guidelines for a Palliative Approach in Residential Aged Care (APRAC) and the Guidelines for a Palliative Approach for Aged Care in the Community Setting... Read more... 9/08/2016 | CareSearch Project Tags: palliAGED Views: 1179