An integrated respiratory and palliative care service for people with advanced lung... People with advanced chronic respiratory disease have a higher symptom burden compared to people with advanced lung cancer. In this blog, Dr Julie McDonald advocates for early... Read more... 19/12/2023 | Blog | CareSearch Project | Patients and Carers | Health Professionals | GPs Tags: Advance care planning | Palliative Care | Advanced Cancer Views: 1539
Unpacking the National Palliative Care Program, discussing impact Several of the national projects managed by the RePaDD Centre had the chance to participate in a 2-day forum in Canberra including a Parliamentary Friends event. Jennifer... Read more... 12/12/2023 | Blog | CareSearch Project | Community | Health Professionals Tags: Strategy and policy | Palliative Care | Palliative Care Australia Views: 1501
The Nightingale Program: Providing dementia-specific palliative care support The Nightingale Program, a palliative care initiative by Dementia Australia, provides free support through specialised nurses and occupational therapists to individuals with... Read more... 5/12/2023 | Blog | Health Professionals | Residential Aged Care | Nurses | Aged Care in home Tags: Residential aged care | Aged care | aged care workers | dementia care resources Views: 2710