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New content on setting up for at home palliative care

New content on setting up for at home palliative care

Many people with palliative care needs are supported to stay in their own home. Depending on your situation you may need specialised equipment or changes in your home or that of the people you care for to make this possible. To help you prepare we have added new content to the How to Care section of CareSearch on Setting up for at Home Palliative Care.

Posted: 6/06/2023

palliAGED Aged care journeys in palliative care

palliAGED Aged care journeys in palliative care

palliAGED is CareSearch’s aged care hub, and supporting the aged care sector to deliver evidence-based care to older people is its focus. As the largest aged care workforce group support for careworker training is an essential part of quality care. To help with this palliAGED has just released a series of new training resources – Aged care journeys in palliative care.

Posted: 6/06/2023

New funding for 2023-26

New funding for 2023-26

CareSearch/palliAGED is pleased to announce that we have been included in project funding announced by the Department of Health and Aged Care for the 2023-26 period. With $53 million allocated to 14 National Palliative Care Projects and an addition $15.9 million to the End of Life Directions for Aged Care (ELDAC) initiative the government has confirmed its commitment to ensuring quality end of life experiences in Australia. See a list of all Palliative Care Projects and End of Life Directions for Aged Care Funding (84kb pdf). 

Posted: 6/06/2023


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Page updated 26 June 2024