Read the latest news from our project

Introducing our new team member

Introducing our new team member

Madeleine Juhrmann, a Flinders University alumnus, is delighted to be returning to the university as a Research Fellow with CareSearch, commencing her role on the 8th of January 2024. She has just submitted her PhD through the University of Sydney. Madeleine has worked as a Policy Officer for HammondCare, completed a Masters of Public Health and trained as a paramedic. Read Madeleine Juhrmann's bio

Posted: 19/12/2023

New CareSearchgp App launching 2024

New CareSearchgp App launching 2024

We’re excited to announce the CareSearchgp App will be released in late January 2024. The app has been designed with the help of experienced GPs and includes interactive features to support delivery of care to patients. The app offers the latest guidance on terminal prescribing alongside evidence-based information on a wide range of important topics. Sign up to be notified when the CareSearchgp App becomes available in the new year. Sign up to be notified

Posted: 19/12/2023

Introducing the CareSearch National Advisory Group

Introducing the CareSearch National Advisory Group

CareSearch has established a new National Advisory Group to lead it through the next three years of the project. This group comprises individuals with a wide range of knowledge and experience across palliative care, aged care, primary health, digital health, evidence and its translation, diversity, and consumer experience. The input and direction it will provide to the project will ensure that what we produce will have broad and national relevance while being current and inclusive of all population groups and regions. Joining Professor Jennifer Tieman (CareSearch Director/Chief Investigator and Chair) and Dr Raechel Damarell (Senior Research Fellow) on the group for 2023-2026 are:

  • Mr Daniel Coase, Senior Policy Advisor, Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia
  • Dr Annie Dullow, Consumers and carers representative
  • Dr Elizabeth Hawkins, Director of Medical Services, Atherton Hospital  
  • Professor Tammy Hoffmann, Professor of Clinical Epidemiology, Institute for Evidence-Based Healthcare, Bond University
  • Dr Lisa Kruesi, Digital Health Research Fellow, Monash University and Deputy Chair, Therapeutic Guidelines
  • Professor Virginia Lewis, Research Chair in Community Health, Australian Institute for Primary Care and Ageing, La Trobe University
  • Ms Fiona Onslow-Agnew, Chief Executive, May Shaw Health and Aged Care for Living
  • Professor Leeroy William, Clinical Director Supportive and Palliative Care, Eastern Health
  • Professor Trish Williams, Cisco Chair and Professor of Digital Health Systems, Flinders University

We thank the outgoing Advisory Group for its invaluable contribution to the CareSearch project across 2020-2023.

Posted: 9/11/2023


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Page updated 26 June 2024