Read the latest news from our project

CareSearch now connects you with information in over 50 languages

CareSearch now connects you with information in over 50 languages

In response to community feedback, CareSearch has expanded the new Community Centre Diversity hub to include a Resources in your language page with trustworthy information relevant to end of life care in more than 50 languages. Covering advance care planning, palliative care, support services, and chronic life-limiting conditions we hope that this resource helps to move the conversation from identifying barriers to taking action to address them. If you, your clients, or your community could benefit from information in a language other than English then visit the Resources in your language page to see what is available.  The collection will be continuously updated and we invite you to contact us at if there are other resources we should consider for inclusion.

Posted: 9/12/2021

Updated My Learning: Searching for and Using evidence

Updated My Learning: Searching for and Using evidence

As part of the CareSearch Portal Project we are updating the My Learning Modules about finding and using evidence in practice. This week we have added My Learning: Searching for Evidence and My Learning: Using online information to the list of currently available modules.

Posted: 16/11/2021

Updated My Learning: Finding Clinical Guidance

Updated My Learning: Finding Clinical Guidance

As part of the CareSearch Portal Project we are updating the My Learning Modules about finding and using evidence in practice. Today we have added My Learning: Finding Clinical Guidance to the list of currently available modules and will continue to add other titles across the month of November.

Posted: 12/11/2021


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Last updated 19 March 2025