Read the latest news from our project

Acute Care – In Focus

Acute Care – In Focus

Demand for palliative care in the acute care setting is significant and is projected to increase steeply in coming years.
For many health professionals palliative care was not included in their training but to meet demand they will need skills, knowledge, and capability to respond. In our latest In-Focus we look at the evidence and what is expected of clinicians and how CareSearch’s new Acute Care section can support health professionals to provide palliative care across the hospital.

Posted: 2/12/2022

New section for Acute Care

New section for Acute Care

Hospital patients who identify as requiring end-of-life care (within the last 12 months of life) and those in the terminal phase of life where death is imminent and likely within hours or days, or occasionally weeks, and their families and carers need support. CareSearch has developed a new acute care section with evidence-based information and resources to help all clinicians take on this role. Visit the new Acute Care section to find information including:

Posted: 2/12/2022

New CareSearch guides for GPs

New CareSearch guides for GPs

Patients often turn to their GP for support as they approach their end of life. Where do you begin?
To help we have developed a series of Guides for GPs to signpost access to actionable, relevant, evidence-based CareSearch resources that can help from the first conversation about end of life through to supporting bereaved family members and claiming MBS remuneration.
Download the guide for GPs providing palliative care in the community and others in the series developed to support you in caring for specific population groups. Printed packs of all 4 guides can be ordered using the order form.

Posted: 2/12/2022


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Last updated 19 March 2025